Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 9 Interaction I - Starting With Sound

Starting on black I would first bring in heavy breathing joined shortly thereafter by a lock clicking, floorboards creaking, and lastly running footsteps. My first shot would be of feet pounding the pavement, but not in running shoes. They would be boots on a jean clad 17 year old girl. There would be a smile on her face and a record in her hand and she'd be navigating the streets of and average suburban neighborhood with ease and familiarity. I like these sounds because there is an uncertainty to them. Breathing can have any variety of meaning and when combined with the noise of a lock can invoke any amount of images to appear within the mind's eye. The footsteps are last because the real image that the sounds are illustrating is happening chronologically. The girl steals a record from someone's house. She's breaking and entering but we don't see it. We hear it. We hear it and then are presented with an image that doesn't quite tell us what happened but shows us that it probably wasn't what we thought. I like being deceptive with sound and story cues, getting people to think one thing only to have the reality be something completely different.

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