Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 9 Interaction I - Reading

I think Kate Amend says it best, "if they just want a pair of hands, they don't need me." It's important to have a vision for your film and to have ideas and a picture of where you want to go and what kind of aesthetic you want to have but you have to be open to change too. Setting yourself in stone only insures that you have a last resort, not that you have something beautifully crafted and well executed. A rock is not a diamond. A director is not a set designer is not an editor is not an actor is not a DP and so on and so forth. There are different specialities because everyone brings something different to the table. The point of collaboration is to work together to create, not to make a single person's vision a reality. If you view the world differently then I do, show me what you see, maybe what you're seeing is better than what I'm seeing, and I'm okay with that.

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