Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 5 Inquiry II - Digital Dome

I think the digital dome was pretty cool though I don't think, at this point in time that it's for me. I think it's got a long ways to go in terms of using it effectively. I think it definitely requires a different approach both to stories and to creative techniques. You have to think a lot more about space and what is both spatially dynamic and interesting. The story you're telling would need to be set in an environment that would be enhanced by the dome otherwise I think it would fall completely flat. If I was commissioned to create a work I think I would try something along the lines of a first person POV adventure. I guess it would be kind of like virtual reality in the sense that everything would be seen from the audiences eyes, if that makes sense. kind of like first person shooter games where you can look around you and see every viewpoint.

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