Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In summation!

You can't even begin to imagine what is going thru my mind right now. So much has gone down in the last few days both on a national and personal level it's absolutely incredible. History was made when Barack Obama beat McCain in the 2008 presidential election and by voting I am forever a part of history. At the same time Proposition 8 was passed in california which is a major setback in terms of civil rights and equality. I saw an amazing demonstration of pride in the courtyard of my dorm when my fellow students and I celebrated obama's victory with cheering dancing and just plain excitement. I am starting a project in my 2-D class that I am absolutely in love with and that I hope will turn out amazing. All I can say is that it is inspired by Rachael Yamagata's Elephants... Teeth Sinking into Heart. I can't wait to really get into it. I'm also a little worried about myself too because I am starting to not care about things that I probably should. Not going to elaborate but bottom line is I think I have to watch myself for a little while or I might make a big booboo. Yes, I just said booboo... deal with it. Also, I can't take it, I can't stand it, I can't deal with it, I can't I Can't I CAN'T.  Ok, off my chest a little but not really so you can deal with that too. I went for a run yesterday; you know, one of those I need to go for a run and since I need to clear my head and it's also raining I am actually going to do it run. So I ran about 2.5 miles yesterday on what is still (unfortunately) a gimp ankle and despite the fact that my back seized up on me towards the end it turned out pretty well. I breathed, I thought, I tried to clear my head and I think I actually felt really good afterwards, even if I felt a bit cold as well. Thank god for Rachael Yamagata by the way. If it weren't for her music I would probably keep everything bottled up inside all the time and never have anyone to relate to or make me feel better about myself. Shit. I'm studying for an Art History test right now too and it's going alright. This is the earliest we've ever finished our flashcards and there aren't too many this time so hopefully everything will go well tomorrow morning. everything. 

You ever tell someone something you wish you could take back? Ya, that'd be me on pretty much a daily basis. But seriously, what if someone didn't know something about you anymore, like you could completely wipe it from their memory and everything else would stay the same. Just wondering because I totally wish I could do that. Seriously... oh and when it comes to fucking up I rock at that. I sent an email to the wrong person this morning, yay me, and as far as texting you in the middle of your bio test goes... dude my bad I had no idea. Right, I've probably fucked some other things up this week too but have been too busy or distracted to notice so just let me know and I'll do what I can to make it right... promise. Ok so I'd better study now for real. More tomorrow or maybe later, who knows.

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