Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 14: Impact III - Reading

Showing your completed work is always the most nerve wrecking part of the process because it's the point at which you get judged. Everyone is analyzing and generating opinions and good or bad they reflect directly back on you. It's a terrible feeling to realize that you've failed to live up to the responsibility you set for yourself and if peoples' opinions are negative that is precisely how I feel. My personal responsibility is to create something that everyone will enjoy while putting out a message in my own way. If people don't enjoy it or my message does not come across the way I wanted I feel as though i've failed. I used to hate attaching my name to things until they'd been viewed and I'd received feedback because I only wanted to accept credit if it went well. That way of thing was far too unproductive for me because then everything turned out mediocre. When I had to start owning everything I had to start thinking more about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it because I knew it was mine and that everyone else would as well.

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