Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm confused

I'm confused as to the type of friends I make and the people I surround myself with. For example, In one weekend I made friends with several new people to whom I will refer as "The Crew". I met The Crew in a chat room and we bonded and came together as one over a common interest. Oddly enough, I find that the people I'm friends with and spend the most time with are actually quite bad for me. One of my friends never has anything nice to say to me about anything and constantly tries to bring me down. It seems that the people who are the most supportive and the nicest are the ones I hardly see, or have never seen, in person. Why is that? Am I off-putting or something? Do I do something in person that turns people into assholes or do I just have bad luck? I just don't know.

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