YOUR NAME: Elena Ortiz Concept #: 1
TITLE FOR YOUR CONCEPT (you’re not married to this title forever; but even working titles can help later on): EVE(L)
PROJECT VENUE/FORMAT: I want this project to be a live action web series. I think this project is suited for the web because the story is best told in episodes, piece by piece in short installments.
RUNNING TIME (approximately): I'd say an average of 10-12 minutes an episode. Because it's for the web episodes need to be short enough to be interesting but long enough to provide sufficient development and story arc.
TYPE OF CONTENT: live action video.
VISUAL LOOK(S) OF YOUR CONCEPT (stay with the visual here, and don’t be afraid to cite examples from films, TV shows, videogames, etc.): It would have the look of the standard television dramedy. Because there would be both funny and dramatic moments, the lighting and cinematography would reflect that, but it would be shot in a standard format using real people and real locations.
STORY STATEMENT: A young girl's need for risk and reward pushes her to lengths her family never imagined. When Eve's need for adrenaline and excitement becomes too great for even boxing and rock climbing to sate she turns to a life of thievery not to hurt others, but to thrill herself. Her mischievous ways are kept out of sight of her family and friends until one day a situation arises where she's forced to out herself or lose everything.
NARRATIVE OUTLINE: This series is about a girl named EVE. She was raised by her Aunt Lynn “LYNNEY” Ryder when her mother was sentenced to life without parole for murdering Eve’s father during her pregnancy. Eve’s uncle JACK, Lenny’s brother, is also very central to Eve’s life.
The series begins on the last day of Eve’s junior year of High School. Throughout the series we will gradually find out more about Eve and her dysfunctional little family. Each main character as their own addiction:
Eve: Adrenaline
Lenny: Pot
Jack: Gambling
Despite his or her addictions everyone is fairly normal. We will see that although Jack is not thoroughly introduced until the second episode that he is the one who has influenced Eve’s life the most. The two of them do a lot of bonding and one of their favorite activities is going downtown to people watch. Often, they pick out random people they think the other should date.
The meat of each episode will be just another day in the life of the Ryder family and will serve the purpose of revealing more about the characters and who they are. The episodes will be book-ended by action montages of an illegal activity of some sort in which Eve has participated.
The timeline for the episodes will be mostly chronological except for the action/crime sequences. For example, Eve may be wearing a pair of shoes in episode one that she steals in episode six. The goal is to make the timeline of criminal activity hard to decipher.
WHY YOU THINK AN AUDIENCE CAN SHARE IN THIS (what are you trying to say or explore?): I think this is a side of myself I'm trying to share with others as well as find in others. I don't do crazy things or take big risks but it's something that I constantly want to do. It's a side of myself I hide from others because I think their reactions will be negative and I think a lot of people have aspects of themselves that they keep private as well. This isn't so much about the abnormality of certain situations as it is about how normal the abnormal is. I think it's about taking what isn't considered average or normal or regular and proving that it is.
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