As for the boxing, well, it keeps me focused and clear headed. I love it and if I could train my jiu-jitsu here as well I would.
Back to being on the brink of losing something that keeps me in line, I feel like I'm losing people, friends and mentors. This summer was amazing and up until right around the Holidays I had this abundance of people around me who made life so much more interesting. Lately I feel like more and more are disappearing. Someone I really look up to never speaks to me. Someone who's blogs opened my eyes to new things, never writes anymore. Someone I thought was my good friend apparently isn't and maybe never was. I miss someone I hardly even knew and I'm worried I lost them for good. My friends are back home and text and call less and less and my friends here spend all their time asleep. Don't get me wrong, I value alone time as much as the next person but feeling alone all the time is not a cool thing. I can't even cuddle with my dog or cat because they're not at college with me. :(
Sorry for the somber bitter attitude... I need to lighten up. I think I'll probably be writing a lot more now, especially if I have to quit boxing. I might just fall apart. I come across as strong to a lot of people but it's how I protect myself when I know I'm not. The stronger I seem, the weaker I am don't let me fool you.