Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hear it. Watch it. Love it.

Buy her new Album "Elephants... Teeth Sinking into heart" out October 7th!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I am in MMA withdrawal so bad right now. All summer before I left for Savannah I went to Jackson's everyday and got to grapple and kick box and learn all kinds of new moves but since I've gotten here all I can do is run and lift. It's driving me insane... I really need to figure out how to deal with this. I crave the physical activity and camaraderie that comes with learning to cagefight. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh love...

Rachael Yamagata has put an EP up on iTunes promoting her CD release on Oct. 7th 2008. It's only a taste of what's to come but it's worth every penny. Go get it and listen. You won't regret it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

How to put music in your blog

Step 1: Use this html code

embed src="insertfilelinkhere" width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE">/embed

(just add these <> to the beginning and end respectively to make it "understandable" to the computer. Also add another open carrot before the forward slash.)

Step 2: Where it says insert file link here I would suggest going to this website: Then just search for the song you want. On the results page find your intended song and copy and paste the link. If you have questions leave a comment and I'll help you out.

It'll end up looking like this:

press play and you're good.

Try as I might...

I can't get this to work, but I will!